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Hi guys!

I hate guides where you have to watch vids to get the info you need. 

So i decided to create a guide where you only need a small text and a few pics. 

Atm the guide isnt finsihed but I will update regulary.

If you need other tips & tricks for V2 or looking for someone to play with just come to my stream and ask. 

Also thanks to all guys who helped me with this guide!

Grims & Tomes 

Act I

Righteous Stand - Lvl I

All tomes

1. Tome

First tome you can find at the cart.

2. Tome

For the second tome go up there, straight forward..

...look down and there you go (somebody picked it alrdy and swapped it with a potion on this pic )

3. Tome

3. Tome

This one is easy, just go left through the bushes.

All grims

1. Grim

After the elevator go left (the regulary way), on the right side, in middle of the big hall u find this: 

jump up to 1. then to 2. ... 

or you stand before the left boxes, aim a bit left from the grim, jump up and spamm 'e' 

2. Grim

this one is a bit harder

location is here


with a dash or teleport u can use ur skill to dash/teleport there


without a dash or a teleport you have to jump like shown. Care you need to crouch jump from 4 to 5.

If you managed this jump/dash/teleport, you will find a lever. Pull it and jump to the ladder (like in picture one shown)

Convocation of Decay - lvl II

1. Tome

All tomes

Easy one. In the sleephall on the upper bed left side.

2. Tome

Another easy one. 

3. Tome

Behind this.

All grims

Tomes are easy to get so the grims must be harder

1. Grim

After the elevator there are 3 buttons. You have to press them till the left door opens. Care are button press spawn a miniwave.

when the door opens go straight and  the first door right

Jump on the cupboard, there is a lever, pull him and leave the room

After you leave go right side, you see a hole in the wall left. Go in and enjoy the decrease of your hp bar

2. Grim

When you reach the sewer area, you have to find a key. It spawn rng so clear the mobs and look on the ground till you find it. 

When you picked the key go on till you reach the stage shown on the next pic.

Jump up and follow the way. Grim is in a treasure. 

Hunger in the Dark - lvl III

All tomes

1. Tome

Go left side (location: the hall before u jump down to the cart)

After u went left side go the first right and u are there

2. Tome

After the dark stage begins, push your cart till it stops here, look in the marked section for the tome.

3. Tome

Another easy one. Clear the mobs and jump like shown

(I stand here at Position 2.)

All grims

1. Grim

This one is tricky!


At the stage where you have collect 3 barrels for the cart, take the 4. with you and defend it like its a lvl 1 Sienna in Legend.

Aftr you lost your cart the way splits in 2 directions. Doesnt matter which way you choose. After that you see another way which splits. Go right side (picture)...

..then play the barrel at the spot (shining place if you get closer).

follow the way, left side ladder, go up -> grim is yours

2. Grim

After you lost the cart a 2nd time, you have to go left. Look there right side

Then jump right..

and right side again..its a bit hidden care (sometimes there is a ammo box up there)

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